
Movie Review 2

Sridevi Soda Center Movie Plus Points:

The actors in this movie are as solid as the intense emotions and the story in particular. To whom can I say that no one has fallen. Sudhir, however, can be said to have taken another step in his career with his performance. Especially the newest Sudhir Babu will be seen in this film, unlike the Sudhir Babu we have seen till now.

Sudhir acted with great realistic emotions in every scene that had scope for his acting apart from the usual scenes. Aside from the perspectives he has seen so far, I can say that his acting is a good asset in this film. Also, senior Naresh, who appeared in another key role in the film, has once again shown his seniority.

As a father, he has appeared in many films till now but it seems to have the most impact. Complete Justice added to his role with his versatile performance in Solid Emotions and Negative Shades. The young actress, who also got good marks with heroine Anandi Zombie Reddy, acted more naturally in the film.

Also did some key emotions very well. Along with them, actor Pavel Navgeetan, who was introduced as the main villain, is also showing good intensity in his role. Yet the emotions projected by the director in the film and the naturalistic performances in the story stand out as a further major attraction.